Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS)

The goal of facial feminization surgery, or feminizing facial surgery, is to transform the masculine features of the face to a more feminine appearance. Masculinized and unmasculinized faces exhibit a number of subtle differences which alone or in aggregate can lend a face to be interpreted as male or female. Facial feminization surgery entails the surgical manipulation of the bone and soft tissues of the face to address these factors. This is performed as either a single procedure or as multiple staged procedures to reshape the face and provide a patient’s gender-affirming changes.

  • Forehead contouring procedures by surgical sahving of the brow bone.

  • Hairline alterations, by advancement or transplantation
  • Rhinoplasty, aimed at maintaining natural but feminine proportionsNose procedures

  • Cheek augmentation via cheek implants or fat graftin

  • Lip lift

Masculinized and unmasculinized faces have different proportions of skin above the lips (up to the base of the nose) and below the lips (down to the tip of the chin)

Unmasculinized faces tend to have a shorter distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. The upper lip often curls more upward. A masculinized face can be given a lip lift. This shortens the distance above the lip and adjusts the lip orientation.

  • Genioplasty

Genioplasty modifies the chin. Surgeons typically approach the chin and jaw through incisions within the mouth, along the gum line.

Some chins call for a chin reduction. In this procedure, bone and protrusions are shaved down and smoothed.

Other times, a chin augmentation is recommended. In this case, surgeons slice the bottom part of the chin bone into a wedge. They then slide it forward away from the jaw and reattach it in the advanced position. Alternately, a chin implant can be used when appropriate.