
"Discover your true beauty, one breath at a time!"

Can rhinoplasty improve breathing difficulties?

Yes, rhinoplasty can address functional issues that may impact breathing. It is common for rhinoplasty procedures to combine both aesthetic enhancements and functional improvements. Your surgeon can evaluate your specific concerns and determine the appropriate techniques to enhance both the appearance and functionality of your nose, leading to improved breathing and a harmonious nasal profile.

Will rhinoplasty leave visible scars?

In most cases, rhinoplasty can be performed using either a closed or open approach. The closed approach involves incisions made within the nostrils, resulting in no visible external scars. The open approach involves a small incision on the columella (the tissue between the nostrils), which may leave a subtle scar that typically fades over time and becomes virtually unnoticeable. Your surgeon will determine the most suitable approach based on your specific needs and goals.

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Ideal candidates for rhinoplasty are individuals who are in good overall health, have fully developed nasal structures (usually around age 15 for females and 17 for males), and have specific concerns about their nose's size, shape, or function. A consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon is necessary to assess your candidacy and discuss your expectations, goals, and any potential risks or limitations.

How long does the recovery process take after rhinoplasty?

The recovery period for rhinoplasty varies from person to person, but generally, patients can expect some swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes for the first one to two weeks. Most individuals feel comfortable returning to work or school within 1-2 weeks, but it may take several months for the swelling to fully resolve and for the final results to become evident. Your surgeon will provide you with specific aftercare instructions to promote healing and optimize your recovery.